Congratulations time2timetravel!

congratulations time2timetravel

“I would like to personally congratulate you…”

I received an email a few days ago. I must admit that at first I was suspicious.

The general rule is when an email congratulates you for something, it should have been sent to spam. But this email from Anuj Agarwal, founder of Feedspot, was different; there was no mention of SEO services, diversion of funds to/from Nigeria or offers of a guest post about camping gear or dog body language.

Instead, Anuj wanted to personally congratulate me because time2timetravel has been selected by his panelists as one of the Top 5 Time Travel Blogs on the web!

According to the about page, Feedspot makes keeping up with your favorite websites as easy as checking your email, so time2timetravel being listed is there is pretty awesome!

Too good to be true?

A cautious click on the link, and yep, there we are!

time2timetravel on Feedspot
time2timetravel on Feedspot

I saw that Feedspot also mentions some time2timetravel metrics; Facebook page likes, number of Twitter followers and number of posts per quarter on the blog itself.

This last one worried me – I’ve only posted twice in the last quarter, and to be honest, I’m quite embarrassed about it. Admittedly, my time recently (actually, in the last two quarters) has been spent recovering from work stress and finding a new job where I can (blah blah, insert elevator pitch here). Long story short, I need more time!

Anyone for some time travel? 😉

High-five for a top 5 time travel blog

So here it is, my high five from Feedspot!

“I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 5 Time Travel Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!” – Anuj Agarwal

And a high-five from me!

You’re now a reader of one of the top 5 time travel blogs on the internet! Congratulations, and a high-five from me too!

I hope to be giving you more to read in the next quarter! My upcoming reads and reviews are listed here, and I’ll be posting my thoughts on time travel as and when (and will be!)


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  1. Congrats, Paul! I’ve enjoyed your blog for years and your glowing review of Memoirs of a Time Traveler is one of my favorites – I feature it on my Editorial Reviews page. Thanks and good luck in the future – and the past.

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