Crap 'review' for Slaughterhouse Five (Kurt Vonnegut)

Here’s a question: Have you ever read reviews of a book and got so excited that you rush out straight away to get a copy?

I did that with Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five, “…a work of keen literary artistry” (Joseph Heller, taken from the book cover blurb) which tells the story of Billy Pilgrim who’s a prisoner of war, and optometrist and most importantly, a time traveller.

Question: Have you ever started a book and despite it grating on your literary nerves like salt on an open wound, plough on in the hope that you will eventually see what the positive reviewers saw in a book?

I did that with Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five. At least for the first few chapters. Then I put it down.

Question: Have you ever thought you’d give a book a second chance, that maybe you were too hasty in casting it off as a “Did Not Finish”?

I did that with Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five. But I still couldn’t finish it, and this time I threw it down.

Best use?
Best use?

Question: Have you ever felt like doing a Fahrenheit 451 on a book and burning it out of existence?

I want to do that with Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five.

Having wasted too much time in trying to push forwards with this piece of total crap, I don’t want to spend any more of my time in reviewing it.

Obviously I can’t recommend reading Slaughterhouse Five, and I can’t be bothered to write a review so negative that all the anti-matter in this known universe would look like a drop in the ethereal ocean, but I’ve listed it in a Goodreads “Treasure and Trash” scheme where interested members collaborate to give away or swap books which aren’t their cup of tea.

To date, no one has yet expressed an interest in Slaughterhouse Five and of course I understand that view.

Telling, isn’t it? !

Seriously though…this book needs a new home. It’s not welcome in the time2timetravel HQ!


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